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Roar at challenge

We look for challenges and solve them together with Microsoft Azure

We thrive on challenge. The harder the problem, the happier we are.

We provide you peace of mind. The knowledge that there’s someone with drive and expertise solving your issue. Give us your trust, and we will give you our everything.

And what do we get? We get to learn. We get to become the best us we can, both as human beings and experts. We get to help others and be proud of ourselves. Learn more about us and our way of thinking.

We advise, build and support on Microsoft Azure

We focus on solving business problems with Microsoft Azure. We are an 10-time Gold Partner with 13 years of experience from Azure, with a track-record of working with both global corporations and startups.

What we’ve done

Since our founding in 2011, we have focused on Microsoft Azure. Because of this focus, we have designed, reviewed, and built pretty much everything one can think of when it comes to cloud, from cloud adoption to applications to data platforms to IoT solutions.

We believe we can keep our quality at the highest level by focusing on a limited field. Please see customer testimonials for concrete examples of our doing.

Want to join us? We are always looking for new friends!

We work together as teams from our own offices or remotely. Your team has the freedom and responsibility to make your own decisions regarding the project. Zure’s founders are coders themselves, and the company has been built around delivery quality and humane ways of working.

Come and make us better.


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