A letter from our CEO
Have you noticed that sometimes it is hard to pin down a feeling? How weird it is, that when everything is in order – we have food, shelter, a loving inner circle of people – we might still feel like something is missing?
The most ordered and ‘successful’ life can get boring. As a species, we adapt to anything. At first, a new thing can feel difficult. Then we start doing and learning it, and at some point, we get the first success. We feel pride and accomplishment, and it is wondrous. In time, with miniscule steps, the ‘new thing’ will start feeling like a regular thing. Nothing new, nothing to be proud of.
It is the dilemma of the ages. Our whole life, we strive to have no problems. If we’d reach that, we’d soon notice that no problems translate to not solving or trying anything. We’d just exist; no friction, no growth, no meaning.
We grow on adversity. The key is to get challenged in a suitable manner regularly. Not too often, and not too seriously, but with something we can sink our teeth into. Something we can learn from. A challenge we can solve as a team, growing not just as an expert but also as a human being.
Zure was founded so we could get challenged.
As individuals, we are often not able to solve world-class problems by ourselves. We need like-minded friends to solve the problems with. At the same time, we have this other thing called ‘life’. It is populated with our families and loved ones, people we desire to spend time with. Zure as an organization receives challenges bigger than any of us could by ourselves, and at the same time it safeguards our individual lifestyles, in case a challenge starts to become too consuming.
Challenges may lead to growth and success, but they also equate to failure – trying a new thing rarely succeeds the first time. We try to think of failure as something inherent in all doing. For us to succeed, we need to fail first. Therefore, failure is not to be avoided, it is to be learned from. It exists to teach us.
Even though we learn, we will never be perfect. There is no such thing as perfection. You might think this is sad, but it is a relief. It is a relief because it means no decision can be perfect. It means
no decision needs to be agonized over – we make a call according to what we think is best, and after learning as a group, we re-make the call. Continuous improvement at its best.
Bringing this thinking to conclusion, it also means Zure will unfortunately never be fully content on where it is and what it is doing. Once we become successful enough at some ‘business transaction’ to be a ‘real company’, we need to expand our horizons. Repeating a successful pattern of behaviour works for a while but cannot be an infinite strategy.
To the future!
In Helsinki, Finland, on the 15th ofJanuary, 2021