We’re continuing down the data lane. Yestreday, we introduced Markus to you and now it’s time to pass the mic to Pontus – our data engineer extraordinaire.
Pontus has experience in both large enterprise projects as well as boutique data development. His goal is to build data solutions that provide actual insight and novel information through reports and machine learning.
🌍 Where do you come from?
I was born and raised in downtown Helsinki, but my roots are in Sweden and Karelia. I’ve been told that the resulting linguistical mix of Helsinki slang, Swedish and Karelian often causes both amusement and desperation in my friends.
Professionally, I’ve always been interested in analytics and “why things are the way they are”. Thus I ended up studying analytics in the Aalto School of Business and have since slid ever deeper into the world of data, wanting to not only analyze things but also to build the stuff that produces the results. After first spending a few years in BI consulting and then in public service, I’ve finally landed at Zure, attracted by the combination of laid-back company culture yet challenging projects.
👨🏼💻 What parts does your workday as data engineer usually
consist of?
I guess the four main parts are:
- Figuring out things related to data that produce value and benefits
- Developing solutions that provide these things
- Communicating the progress and value provided by said things, and most importantly
- Having a good time doing these things with like-minded colleagues
These parts can happen in meetings, pair coding, working alone, at the office, at lunch, at parties, working remotely from anywhere in the world, you name it, but these parts make up 99% of my workdays.
🎤 Random fact about you
I am otherwise a completely hopeless singer, but I can do a decent job imitating the singing style of Aarne Tenkanen.
🐾 What is your spirit animal?
I think I’ll have to go with the capybara, I think especially in these times we are living people could learn a lot from their all-loving presence and ability to get along with pretty much everything from birds to alligators.
👨❤️👨 What has been your favourite thing about Zure?
I’ll have to say seeing people caring about each other and wanting to help and support each other even when they are themselves busy has been amazing to see. Furthermore, it’s great to know that in practically every domain there are very talented and driven people from which to learn something new.
📊 What’s your favorite data?
Apart from the obvious “any data that is clean & clear”, my favorite data product is definitely RELENTLESS DOPPELGANGER i.e. a neural network that plays live technical death metal on YouTube (and has done so since 2019).
If you would be interested in developing yourself and working with a fun bunch of people, check out our open positions!