A large organizations information can no longer be a speed bump slowing down the agility in siloed applications in the future. The purpose of an API Platform is to make the information available to support the digitalization of business processes, new digital services and faster and easier decision-making.

A modern API Platform is built around the need of clientsa centrally related to data moving, storage and different permutations of the data, but that’s not nearly enough! In addition to these ‘base requirements’ there are demands on the quality of the data, monitoring, enriching, advanced analytics and reporting – and strict, standardized API definitions to enable actually using the data. 

Microsoft offers a variety of services related to API Platforms, such as Azure Functions, Azure App Service, Azure Event Grid, Azure Service Bus, Azure API Management, Application Insights, Azure Key Vault, Azure AD, and Azure Kubernetes Service.  

Building API Platforms on Microsoft Azure is at the core of Zure. Call us, and let’s discuss our experience and outlook on designing and implementing an API Platform for you.